Happy 1 month, Brady Wayne!
It’s hard to believe you’ve only been with our family for 1 month! It seems like you’ve been around forever….and it also feels like I haven’t gotten a full night’s sleep in forever too! But, I know it’s just a phase, so I’m trying to soak it all in!
Here is what you are up to right now.
* You are eating about 8 times a day. You are doing really well with your bottle and it doesn’t take you nearly as long to eat as it did those first couple of weeks. You are drinking between 3.5-4 ozs. at each feeding and so far, I am making enough milk to keep you full. I’ve even got quite a bit stored in the freezer.
* You are not sleeping through the night yet, but will go 4 hours (or occasionally 5) at a time. Daddy has been helping me with your middle of the night feeding which is usually around 3am. You usually go right back to sleep after you eat, so that is nice.
* You are a decent napper, as long as I put you down at the right time. If I wait too long, you fuss some before you get settled. Your swaddleme and pacifier help to soothe you. I have started noticing the 45 minute intruder creeping in this past week.
* You are finished with newborn diapers and are now up to size 1. You don’t like diaper changes, but usually calm down as soon as we are finished!
* You weighed 9 lbs. 8 ozs. (25-50%) and measured 22 1/8 inches long (50-75%) at your checkup. The doctors are all very pleased with your growth so far!
* You are wearing mostly 0-3 months clothes. Most of the newborn clothes we have were getting snug, but you look small in the 0-3 months clothes now!
* You don’t seem too mind tummy time too much so far. Sometimes when I put you on your belly, you just lay your head down and chill for a bit. You will eventually lift your head, but you do it when you are ready!
* You are definitely becoming more alert with every passing day. You move your arms and kick all around when you are awake on your back. You make some really cute noises too!
* You are still sleeping in the pack n’ play in our room. I’m not in a rush to move you to your room since you aren’t sleeping through the night yet. I may try putting you in the crib in your room for naps soon.
What a sweet little guy you are! I can’t believe the first month has come and gone already! While I may not have as much uninterrupted time with you as I did with your older sister, I cherish those moments when it’s just the 2 of us and I can just stare at you. I look forward to seeing God’s plan for you to be revealed in time but for now, I just love snuggling with you and kissing your forehead as much as I want! We love you sweet boy!
What a sweet pea he is!! Sometimes I feel a little sad thinking I may not experience this "phase" again…but it is so fun following along with you! 🙂 Glad to see he is doing so great!!