* You are eating 6 times a day. Nursing is still going really well and I’m so thankful. You are eating every 3-3.5 hours during the day.
* You are sleeping really well. I still wake you for the “dreamfeed” around 10:30pm and then you sleep until around 7:30am. I couldn’t ask for much better than that!
* You are napping well too. You typically get 3 naps and then a shorter catnap in the early evening. You are usually up for 1-1.5 hours before you go back down. You are also a really flexible napper and will catnap on the go when you are really tired and we aren’t at home right when you would normally go down. If you fall asleep while we are out, you also transition well to the crib when we get back home. I’m so thankful you are flexible and hoping it continues!!
* You are wearing size 3 diapers.
* You weighed 17 lbs. 2 ozs. (75-90%) and measured 26.75 inches (90-95%) at your checkup. The doctor was very pleased with your growth.
* You are still wearing 3-6 months clothes, but it probably won’t be too much longer until we need to get our your bigger clothes. You are so long!
* You are getting more active during tummy time. The doctor keeps encouraging us to keep you on your belly as much as we can during playtime and we do our best.
* You love to smile and it melts me every single time. I can be across the room and you smile when we make eye contact. Some lady is going to be lucky one day!
* You are such a happy baby almost all the time {unless you are really overly tired or hungry}. You giggle when I tickle you and it’s the cutest thing in the world. If the laundry didn’t keep piling up, I could do it all day long!
* You are drooling quite a bit these days. You love putting your fingers in your mouth too. I don’t think it’s teething at this point, but I may be wrong. I think you just love putting things in your mouth…especially your cute little thumb. You use it quite a bit when you are sleepy!
* You are starting to babble some. It’s fun to listen your sweet little sounds!
* You love to sit up on my lap and get frustrated when you are reclined in your carrier for too long. You love being able to sit up more, although you still need assistance. We pulled out your Exersaucer, so you can sit up and play more that way.
* You are still in the pack n’ play in our room. Since I’m still not sure the best room arrangement, I’m totally okay with it. We may end up playing “musical rooms” for a bit anyway, until we figure out what will work best for everyone.
You have been such a joy, Davis! I love having a front row seat to seeing your sweet personality emerge and look forward to seeing all that lies ahead for you. This first year is going by quickly and I’m trying to soak up every last second of it. We are so thankful to have you in our family and can’t really remember life without you. You blend right into the crazy. 🙂