Life has been so busy these days that I have almost forgotten to keep up with your month-to-month pictures! I’m so thankful for cameras and the ability to capture these sweet memories.
* You are eating 5 times a day. You are still going strong nursing. You eat every 3-3.5 hours most of the time, but sometimes can go as long as 4 in the afternoons.
* You are sleeping well. We finally dropped the “dreamfeed,” so you go down at 7:30pm and sleep until 7am or so in the morning. It’s been great to have my entire evenings free!
* You are napping pretty good too. You typically take 3 naps each day {you stay awake between your 4th and 5th feeding}. You are typically up for 1-1.5 hours before you go back down for a nap. It’s rare for you to get all your full naps in your bed since we have to be out at certain times during some of your naps, but you still do okay and seem happy and rested. We do the best we can to keep you on a good nap schedule while also juggling the kid’s schedules.
* You are still wearing size 3 diapers.
* You are wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes. Even some of those one piece bodysuits seem to be a little short on you though. You are definitely a long baby!
* You love to kick around on the floor, but also love to sit up {with some assistance}. You are definitely interested in moving! Tummy time is going fine. You also enjoy playing in your Exersaucer.
* Your smile still makes my day. You giggle when I tickle you or play with you. You love being with your siblings and watch them like hawks when you are in the room with them. You love being where the action is and it’s probably just a matter of time before you will be in on all the action.
* You are such a happy baby {unless you are really tired or hungry} and people comment to me all the time about how “chill” you are. It’s a huge blessing to our family that you seem to just go with the flow.
* You continue to drool a good bit, which has me thinking that you could be teething. I’ll catch you with your entire fist in your mouth sometimes! You still love sucking your thumb – it’s most definitely one of the cues that you are tired and ready for nap.
* You talk some when we play with you. It’s the sweetest sound in the world!
* You are officially moved into your crib upstairs. Your roommate, Savannah, loves having you in the room with her and so far it’s been going well. You still nap in the pack n’ play in our room so that the older kids can play in their rooms and not disturb you. I’d like to find a way to “decorate” your little corner of the room, so that people know a little guy lives in there now too. 🙂
Davis John, you have been such a sweet addition to our family. These “snuggly” months are going by so quickly that I can hardly believe it. I’ve been making a conscious effort to not stress as much about my housework and to-do lists so that I can really be present with you during these precious times. We thank God everyday for letting us be your parents!!