I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
Even though Christmas was actually yesterday, I feel like the celebrations got underway officially when my parents arrived this past weekend. They came a little early and the men worked on my Christmas present. I’d show you an after picture of the grout, but it’s not complete yet so you’ll have to wait and see.
My sister and her family arrived on Monday, so things were kicked up a notch once all the cousins were together. I did a little bit of last minute shopping with my sister that evening and then I basically declared myself done.
Our family decided to spend Christmas Eve over at my grandmother’s house where everyone else was staying. We decided it would be a lot of fun to see the kids open up their gifts together on Christmas morning, although I let my sister convince me to allow Savannah to open up one of her gifts on Christmas Eve. She opened up a bear that her cousin made especially for her.
Some of us went to the Christmas Eve service at church. It was a nice service, although I have to confess that the kids had me quite distracted. Our family lit the Christ candle, which was very special. Savannah decided to plop down up front while Daddy was reading his portion of the Scripture passage. Oh well, that’s life with a 3 year old. 🙂
Christmas Day was pretty lowkey. The kids opened gifts and most of the adults just enjoyed watching them. We didn’t have a whole lot to open, but it honestly didn’t matter one single bit. We mostly got money {which is very appreciated} and then my parents got Kev and I Chick-fil-A calendars and they gave me Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts. I’d been wanting it for quite a while, so I know I’ll enjoy it. You may see it appear on my winter reading list post.
Some other relatives came over later in the day and we exchanged more gifts. It was nice to see them and enjoy our nice lunch together. My niece spent the night with us and she and I watched the Selena Gomez movie Monte Carlo. I don’t get as much alone time with my niece now that I have my own children, so I really enjoyed our girl time.
Even though Christmas is over, we’re excited because we will get to spend some time with Kev’s family next week. Check back tomorrow for my Christmas Eve outfit.
Thank you for sharing your life through this blog. I love all the pictures and updates. We live so far away from each other so it's nice to keep in touch this way. I would post a blog about the Henson clan but, my days are busy working as a TSA officer, spending the evenings with Chad (my 11 yr. old) watching him build LEGO structures or watching movies. We love and miss you all very much. Hugs and kisses!!! Your cousin, Susie Henson
I'm so glad you commented, Susie! It sounds like you all are super busy, but I do wish we could see you all again soon! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a blessed New Year! 🙂