* You are eating 8 times a day. Nursing was a bit of a struggle for the first 2 weeks {you were tongue-tied and we had your frenulum clipped}, but you seem to have the hang of it now, which makes me so happy. The good news is that you have already had bottles and do well with either one. It’s nice to know I can nurse you, but can also pump and bottle feed when needed.
* You are not sleeping through the night yet, but you are starting to go a little longer between feedings during the middle of the night (usually 4 hours and sometimes 5). You are pretty good about going right back to sleep, which makes the sleep interruptions a little more bearable.
* You have slipped into a pretty good eating routine, so we’re working on sleep training. You are napping pretty well if I put you down right when you show sleep signs. If I miss those cues, it can mean some fussiness before you eventually fall asleep on your own. You do pretty well with the Swaddle Me and pacifiers help soothe you to sleep too.
* You are wearing size 1 diapers. You only wore newborns for about a week and you probably won’t be in size 1 for too much longer. My biggest newborn yet!
* You weighed 11 lbs. 6 ozs. (75-90%) and measured 22-3/8 in. (75%) at your 1 month checkup. The doctors were very pleased with your growth!
* You are wearing 0-3 months clothes. We pretty much bypassed all of your brother’s newborn outfits!
* You don’t seem to mind tummy time too much, but you also don’t feel the need to work on building your neck muscles either. Often, you just lay on your belly with your head on the floor, but you look so comfy and cute! Luckily, you work your neck muscles at other times.
* You are still a pretty sleepy baby, but you are becoming more and more alert as the days pass. I love seeing your pretty blue eyes when you are awake!
* You are sleeping in the pack n’ play in our room for now. I don’t plan to move you until you are sleeping through the night, and maybe not until you are sleeping 12 hours at night since you will be sharing a room with your sister for now.
Davis is absolutely adorable! That's great that you resolved any breastfeeding issues. Sounds like Davis is settling in really well.