If you’ve been reading here for any amount of time, you may remember when I posted about our Spring Break back in 2012. That was the beginning of a way-bigger-than-we-anticipated-new-to-us-house- renovation that caused a whole lot of stress last summer. I sincerely do hope to be able to blog about that at some point when I have time to gather and organize my thoughts on the whole process. Perhaps someone out there could benefit from reading about our experience!
But, for today, I’d like to show you one view of our kitchen. This was taken with me standing in the opening between the living room and dining area (which is on the other side of that bartop). From this view, you’re missing the cabinets and fridge which are on the wall opposite the sink, but that’ll have to come later when I fill you in on everything we did to the kitchen specifically.
As you can see, it’s small, but actually works remarkably well considering how I like having everything in close proximity when I cook. We still have some things to finish up (backsplash, beadboard perhaps, and other decor, etc.), but it’s functional and is working well for us so far!
What you see below are essentially the same 2 pictures, but taken 3-4 days later. Do you see anything different?
I know that this seems small, but man, I think it makes a big difference!
And if you still can’t tell a difference, then just thank whoever it was that installed your kitchen cabinet knobs. I had no idea that so much muscle was required! 🙂
I like it!!